The editor-in-chief of EIoP has been Prof. Dr. Gerda Falkner (University of Vienna), subject editors have been Prof. Fritz Breuss (WIFO) and Prof. Gabriele Tondl (University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna) and Prof. Thomas Eilmansberger † (University of Salzburg).
European Integration online Papers (EIoP)
Editorial Policies
- » Focus and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Peer Review Process
- » Publication Frequency
- » Submission and Open Access Policy
- » EIoP Special Issues
- » Indexing Services
- » How to quote
- » List of referees 1997 - 2015
Focus and Scope
EIoP is a peer-reviewed,
interdisciplinary E-journal in the field of European integration
research. Scholarly contributions from all relevant disciplines are
welcome, e.g. from legal studies, political science, economics,
sociology, and history.
"European integration research" is to be understood in a broad sense.
The following hints are intended to circumscribe what we mean by
"European integration research":
- legislative and political processes of the EU and its institutions;
- subjects dealing with the growing together of the European states and peoples;
- comparisons between policies, societies or legal systems between at least two European states;
- effects of European integration on the member states;
- policies and activities of other European international institutions (Council of Europe, OECD, etc.);
- common policies of the European states vis-à-vis third countries or other supranational/international institutions.
Section Policies
Editors- Editorial Assistant
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Peer Review Process
Each article will be thoroughly reviewed, usually by two anonymous
referees (double-blind system). Their decision, with respect to the
eligibility for publication, will be acknowledged by the editors.
Proposals for improvements will be forwarded to the authors.
The following points will be considered by the referees when assessing a manuscript submitted to EIoP:
- EIoP publishes only the highest quality papers. Manuscripts should be of the standard required for acceptance in principle by the other major journals in the field, such as the Journal of Common Market Studies, the Journal of European Public Policy, the Common Market Law Review etc.
- The content of the manuscript should be new in the sense that the main findings have not yet been published elsewhere by this author or other scholars in the field. An EIoP paper should add something new to the debate or at least present a topic in a new manner that leads to new insights. Pure summaries of a debate without adding a new point of view are not acceptable.
- EIoP seeks to publish academic papers, not “policy papers”. Normative papers that are targeted at a specific policy-oriented readership, and that make mainly policy proposals, are not acceptable. By academic papers we imply papers that try at least to accommodate different points of view on a subject matter.
- The bibliography needs to be comprehensive and up-to-date. We do not accept papers with obviously incomplete reference lists. Papers need to be based on and to reflect the latest academic discourse in the subject.
- Authors are responsible for language and style. Referees are asked to signal if there are problems with grammar, style and spelling.
The referees are given the following options:
- I am in favour of the publication without revisions ~ "publish as is"
- I am in favour of the publication after minor revision of the text in the following sense… ~ "publish after minor revisions"
- I am in favour of the publication after major revision of the text in the following sense… ~ "revise and resubmit"
- I am not in favour of the publication ~ "reject"
Publication Frequency
Because of the continuous mode of publication there are no numbered
issues. The current number of the article is the equivalent to the
traditional issue number.
The "number of the volume" is, as usual, based on the year of publication. Therefore, the first set is 1997 and, thus, volume 1.
Submission and Open Access Policy
The EIoP is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
EIoP is a ROMEO Gold and Green publication:
All papers are available open access and self-archiving is allowed. In
particular, as of August 2008, the following conditions apply to all
submissions to the EIoP:
- Papers already accepted or published by another journal are not acceptable as submissions to the EIoP.
- The simultaneous submission to the EIoP and another journal is not allowed.
- The previous publication of a paper submitted to the EIoP in a working paper series and the previous pre-print exposure on a personal website or in a repository is not in contrast with our editorial policy.
- Papers already published in an edited volume in print are acceptable in the EIoP (see however the copyright policy of that publisher!).
- Later publication of an article previously published in the EIoP in an edited volume in print is acceptable. Due reference to the first publication in EIoP is required.
- Later online publication in whatever form as well as publications in other journals is not permissible.
- Authors are, however, allowed to "self-archive" their papers in digital form at their personal homepages or their institutions' archives (pre-print as well as the final, post-refereeing PDF version) provided that they link back to the original URL of publication in the EIoP.
- The authors agree that the papers published in the EIoP are simultaneously submitted to abstracting, indexing and archiving services, such as, for instance, SSCI, SSRN, ERPA, RePEc, RDB etc.
- Licensing Policy:
Authors retain their copyright of the papers under the conditions set out above. Users can, however, quote, use and reuse the material with correct attribution only for non-commercial purposes. Academic users are asked to conform to the usual scientific standards. Derivates are not allowed, but can be asked for by the authors: Requests for re-prints in text books or anthologies should be addressed to the authors directly, not to the editors.
This journal has no article submission charges nor processing charges.
EIoP Special Issues
As EIoP is an E-journal with no paper-bound issues, an "EIoP
Special Issue" is a slightly different concept: Such a special issue
will consist of three or more interrelated articles under a common
heading, with a guest editor (or guest editors), and his/her analytical
article discussing the research design as well as the main findings of
the special issue from a comparative perspective, to be concluded by
further thoughts on the basis of these findings, regarding e.g.
persisting research desiderata.
Special issue quality policy: The guest editor(s) and the EIoP
Editorial Board will be responsible for the quality of all papers part
of the special issue. The guest editor(s) has/have to take care of any
formal requirements (like abstracts, keywords, author information, and
bibliography). The guest editor(s) and all authors of the special issue
will be asked to use the Online Journal Management System.
Papers published as part of a special issue are subject to strict peer
review procedures, similar to the papers submitted to our journal
individually. As a minimum requirement, both the guest editor(s) and at
least one further scholar to be selected by the EIoP
Editorial Board write a formal review on each submitted paper. The
authors have to respond to the referee's reports in writing and to
indicate how the revisions were incorporated in the text. The EIoP Editorial Board reserves the right to appoint additional referees.
Note: A guest editor of the special issue is not allowed to be at the
same time author of several articles in the special issue. If s/he
wants to contribute with an own article, the standard refereeing
procedure as with individually submitted articles is applicable.
Please contact our editorial office (
in case you intend to submit a proposal for a special issue. Please
include in the proposal the intended number, authors and titles of the
papers forming the special issue. Please indicate the time horizon for
the realisation of the proposed issue.
Indexing Services
The EIoP is listed in the
following databases: SSCI, ERPA, SSRN, RePEc, RDB, SOSIG, ECLAS, EICC,
SOLIS, DOAJ, CSA, CIEJD, OpenJGate, DOI and is archived by the Austrian
National Library
- As of Vol. 11 (2007), indexed in the ISI Social Sciences Citation Index
- Founding Member of European Research Paper Archive
- Cooperating institution of Social Science Research Network
- Indexed in Research Papers in Economics
- Included in the Austrian Rechtsdatenbank
- Included in Social Science Information Gateway
- Indexed in European Commission Libraries Catalogue
- Indexed in European Integration Current Contents (EICC)
- Indexed in Sozialwissenschaftliches Literaturinformationssystem (SOLIS)
- Indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals
- Indexed in CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
- Indexed in Jacques Delors European Information Centre
- Indexed in Open J-Gate
- Registered with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)-mEDRA system
- Longterm archiving by Austrian National Library
How to quote
For the quick reader: first an example
McGowan, Lee (2007), Theorising European Integration: revisiting neo-functionalism and testing its suitability for explaining the development of EC competition policy?, European Integration online Papers, Vol. 11, No. 3, EIoP is an online publication; in principle it is quoted as any print journal. However, the following special features have to be observed:
Internet address:
In order to initially or again find the article, you have to give the correct Internet address: the internet address for all articles in the EIoP is:Instead of the "xxxx" you should insert the year of publication, instead of the "yyy" you need to insert the current number of the article, e.g.: 2007-003a.
The file structure on the server of the EIoP guarantees, that the internet- (WWW-) address of a contribution to the EIoP will not change.
The articles of the EIoP are formatted in a way that allows precise references to ("virtual") pages. In the HTML version of an article seperators (e.g. --Begin page 3--) are implemented which refer to the respective page numbers in the PDF document.Volume/issue:
Because of the continous mode of publication there are no numbered issues. The current number of the article is the equivalent to the traditional issue number.The "number of the volume" is as usual based on the year of publication. Therefore, the first set is 1997 and, thus, volume 1.
List of referees 1997 - 2015
Abels, Gabriele; Adshead, Maura; Aichholzer, Georg; Aiginger, Karl; Alecu-de-Flers, Nicole; Almeida, Dimitri; Andersen, Svein S.; Apeldoorn, Bastiaan; Aspinwall, Marc; Attiná, Fulvio; Aydin, Umut; Bache, Ian; Badinger, Harald; Bähr, Holger; Banchoff, Thomas; Barbé, Esther; Bauböck, Rainer; Bauer, Martin W.; Beach, Derek; Becker, Ulrich; Beichelt, Tim; Bellak, Christian; Benedek, Wolfgang; Benz, Arthur; Berman, Torbjorn; Besson, Samantha; Beyers, Jan; Biegelbauer, Peter; Blom-Hansen, Jens; Blümel, Barbara; Boer, Monica den; Boric, Tomislav; Borrás, Susana; Boswell, Christian; Botta, Marco; Bouwen, Pieter; Börzel, Tanja; Brandsma, Gijs Jan; Bräuninger, Thomas; Breuss, Fritz; Broscheid, Andreas; Budden, Philipp; Buonanno, Laurie; Burns, Charlotte; Bursens, Peter; Busch, Andreas; Busemeyer, Marius R.; Cas, Hans; Casado-Asensio, Juan; Chappell, Laura; Checkel, Jeffrey; Christiansen, Thomas; Chryssohoou, Dimitris; Cichowski, Rachel; Cini, Michelle; Claes, Dag Harald; Closa, Carlos; Collignon, Stefan; Conzelmann, Thomas; Corbett, Anne; Craig, Paul; Daly, Mary; Damjanovich, Dragana; Dandashly, Assem; Dangerfield, Martin; Dann, Philipp; Dardanelli, Paolo; de Búrca, Gráinne; de Flers, Nicole Alecu; Dehousse, Renaud; Deketelare, Kurt; den Boer, Monica; de Vreese, Claes; de Witte, Bruno; Diez, Thomas; Dijkstra, Hylke; Dimitrova, Antoaneta; Dinan, Desmond; Douglas Scott, Sionaidh; Drake, Helen; Dudley, Jeff; Duke, Simon; Dutzler, Barbara; Ebbinghaus, Bernhard; Eberlein, Burkard; Eeckhout, Piet; Eilmansberger, Thomas; Egan, Michelle; Egger, Peter; Egeberg, Morten; Elgström, Ole; Engert, Stefan; Eising, Rainer; Enderlein, Henrik; Erhardt, Michael; Everson, Michelle; Exadaktylos, Theofanis; Fagan, Colette; Falkner, Gerda; Farrell, David; Favell, Adrian; Feik, Rudolf; Feldbauer, Florian; Ferreira-Pereira, Laura C.; Fink, Gerhard; Fligstein, Neil; Føllesdal, Andreas; Fölsz, Attila; Forgó, Katrin; Franchino, Fabio; Frey, Bruno S.; Friis, Lyyke; Fudge, Shane; Gärtner, Heinz; Gehring, Thomas; Genschel, Philipp; Giering, Claus; Gilbert, Mark; Gillingham, John R.; Guiraudon, Virginie; Goetz, Klaus; Graziano, Paolo; Grant, Wyn; Gravier, Magali; Greenwood, Justin; Greve, Morten; Grill, Gerhard; Griller, Stefan; Gornitzka, Ase; Gustavvson, Sverker; Gutner, Tamar; Gwiazda, Anna; Hackl, Elsa; Häge, Frank M.; Hafner, Gerhard; Hagemann, Sarah; Hagen, Kare; Hahn, Franz; Haiss, Peter; Haltern, Ulrich; Hanappi, Hardy; Hartlapp, Miriam; Hartley, Keith; Haverland, Markus; Hegeland, Hans; Heidbreder, Eva; Hein, Jan von; Heinisch, Reinhard; Heipertz, Martin; Héritier, Adrienne; Herzig, Günter; Hilpold, Peter; Hix, Simon; Hochreiter, Eduard; Hofmann, Herwig C.H.; Holland, Martin; Holm, Ulla; Holzhacker, Ronald; Holzinger, Katharina; Homeyer, Ingmar von; Hooghe, Lisbeth; Horvath, Ken; Hosli, Madeleine; Howarth, David; Howorth, Jolyon; Howse, Robert L.; Hristova, Vessela; Hug, Simon; Hunt, Lisa; Hurt, Stephen; Isak, Hubert; Jachtenfuchs, Markus; Jacobsen, Hanns-D.; Jacobsson, Kerstin; Jacquot, Sophie; Janda, Karel; Joerges, Christian; Jordan, Andrew; Jørgensen, Knud-Erik; Jünemann, Annette; Juncos Garcia, Ana E.;Kaddous, Christine; Kaiser, André; Kaleda, Saulius Lukas; Kaliber, Alper; Kalss, Susanne; Kassim, Hussein; Kaunert, Christian; Kay, Adrian; Kelstrup, Morten; Kemmerling, Achim; Kerremans, Bart; Khandekar, Gauri; Kirchner, Emil; Kittel, Bernhard; Kjær, Anne Mette; Kluger Rasmussen, Maja; Klüver, Heike; Knill, Christoph; Knobel, Heiko; Knodt, Michelle; Köbler, Gerhard; Koelliker, Alkuin; Kolb, Marina; König, Thomas; Krapohl, Sebastian; Kritzinger, Sylvia; Krizsan, Andrea; Kröger, Sandra; Kudrna, Zdenek; Kurpas, Sebastian; Ladrech, Robert; Laffan, Brigid; Lamprecht, Alexandra; Lauring Knudsen, Ann-Christina; Laursen, Finn; Lavenex, Sandra; Leal-Arcas, Rafael; Leblond, Patrick; Lefkofridi, Zoe; Lehmkuhl, Dirk; Leiber, Simone; Lengauer, Alina-Maria; Lenschow, Andrea; Liebhart, Karin; Linsemann, Ingo; Littoz-Monnet, Annabelle; Lodge, Juliet; Lodge, Martin; Lord, Christopher; Luif, Paul; Lusoli, Wainer; Madner, Verena; Magiera, Siegfried; Maier, Gunther; Manners, Ian; Mansfeldova, Zdenka; Marks, Gary; Martinsen, Dorte Sindjberg; Mastenbroek, Ellen; Mateo González, Gemma; Mathias, Jörg; Maurer, Andreas; Maurer, Heidi; McElroy, Gail; McGowan, Lee; Melchior, Josef; Menendez, Agustin J.; Menon, Anand; Meyer, Christoph; Meyer, Renate; Meyer, Sarah; Michalowitz, Irina; Miklin, Eric; Miles, Lee; Mosher, Jim; Mounier, Gregory; Mühlböck, Monika; Müller, Karl; Müller, Patrick; Müller, Werner; Muntean, Andrei; Neyer, Jürgen; Nedergaard, Peter; Nentwich, Michael; Neuhold, Christine; Obermaier, Andreas; O'Brennan, John; Öberg, Ulf; Obwexer, Walter; Oppermann, Thomas; Pacheco, Luis; Panke, Diana; Palonen, Emilia; Parsons, Craig; Perez-Solorzano Borragan, Nieves; Perrotino, Michel; Peters, Anne; Peters, Torsten; Petito, Fabio; Petschnigg, Reinhard; Pfaffermayr, Michael; Phinnemore, David; Plechananovova, Bela; Pochet, Philippe; Piedrafita Tremosa, Sonia; Pochet, Philippe; Pollack, Mark; Pollak, Johannes; Posch, Willibald; Prainsack, Barbara; Princen, Sebastiaan; Puntscher-Riekmann, Sonja; Quah, Chee-Heong; Radaelli, Claudio; Rasmussen, Anne; Renner, Stephan; Reh, Christine; Richards, Greg; Rieger Elmar; Riehm Ulrich; Ringe, Nils; Rhinard, Mark; Ripoll Servent, Ariadna; Risse, Thomas; Rittberger, Berthold; Rosamund, Ben; Ruano Gómez, Lorena; Ruffert, Matthias; Rumford, Chris; Rynning, Christilla Roederer; Schäfer, Armin; Scharpf, Fritz W.; Schelkle, Waltraud; Schimmelfennig, Frank; Schleicher, Stefan; Schmidt, Susanne K.; Schmidt, Vivien; Schmitter, Philippe; Saatçioğlu, Beken; Schneider, Heinrich; Schneider, Volker; Scholtz, Hanno; Schrauwen, Annette; Schubert, Uwe; Schuberth, Helene; Schulze, Marianne; Schwellnus, Guido; Schwok, Rene; Scott, Joanne; Scully, Roger; Sedelmeier, Ulrich; Selin, Henrik; Shackleton, Michael; Shaw, Jo; Sidenius, Niels; Sinabell, Franz; Sissenich, Beate; Slepcevic, Reinhard; Slominski, Peter; Smismans, Stijn; Smith, Karen; Smith, Julie; Smith, Michael Hilton; Smyrl, Marc; Sokhi-Bulley, Bal; Somek, Alexander; Sommerer, Thomas; de Sousa, Pedro; Spendzharova, Aneta B., Sprungk, Carina; Staeck, Nicola; Stéclebout, Eloïse; Steininger, Rolf; Stevens, Anne; Strath; Streinz, Rudolph; Suman, Zeljko; Sutter, Matthias; Sverdrup, Ulf; Tichy, Gunther; Thatcher, Mark; Thimm, Johannes; Tiemann, Guido; Toggenburg, Gabriel; Töller, Annette; Tondl, Gabriele; Topan, Angelina; Torgersen, Helge; Torreblanca, Jose; Traguth, Thomas; Trauner, Florian; Treib, Oliver; Trondal, Jarle; Ubertazzi, Benedetta; Ucarer, Emek; Umpleby, Stuart A., Vanhoonacker, Sophie; van Loon, Aukje; Vandecasteele, Bruno; Vedder, Christoph; Verdun, Amy; Vergés Bausili, Anna; Vermeersch, Peter; Vink, Maarten; Vos, Ellen; Vranes, Erich; Vysotskaya Guedes Vieira, Alena; Wagemann, Claudius; Wägenbaur, Ralph; Ward, Angela; Weber, Katja; Webster, Ruth; Weichenrieder, Alfons; Weiler, Joseph; Wendler, Frank; Werle, Raymund; Wessels, Bernhard; Wetzel, Anne; Wetzling, Thorsten; Whitaker, Richard; Wiedermann, Clemens; Wiener, Antje; Wieser, Robert; Wimmel, Andreas; Wincott, Daniel; Winkler, Roland; Wittich, Stephan; Wlezien, Christopher; Wörz, Julia; Woll, Cornelia; Wurzel, Rüdiger; Wüst, Andreas; Young, Alasdair R.; Zartaloudis, Sotirios; Zeitlin, Jonathan; Ziltener, Patrick; Zito, Anthony; Zubek, Radoslav.
Many thanks!
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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