Towards a Theory of the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy |
Adrian Kay |
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 4
(2000) N° 9; |
Date of publication in the
![]() |
Keywords |
agriculture policy, GATT, agenda 2000, neo-institutionalism, interest representation, economics, political science |
Abstract |
This paper sets up two competing frameworks to assess the evidence of the CAP reforms of the 1980s and 1990s. The two frameworks differ in the degree of prominence given to interest groups in affecting CAP decisions. The paper concludes that the most important mechanism behind CAP reforms is the interaction of EU institutions and member state governments. Interest groups, at national or EU-level, have limited influence on the reform process. The paper does not claim to have developed a new theory of CAP reform but rather aims to suggest a direction for the development of a high content theory that is able to account for the differences between episodes of CAP reform as well as the similarities. |
Kurzfassung |
Dieses Papier stellt zwei konkurrierende Rahmen für die Analyse der Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) der 80er und 90er Jahre dar. Die beiden Rahmen unterscheiden sich darin, wieviel Einfluß den Interessensgruppen auf die GAP-Entscheidungen beigemessen wird. Der Beitrag kommt zu dem Schluß, daß der wichtigste Mechanismus innerhalb der Reformen die Interaktion der EU-Institutionen mit den mitgliedstaatlichen Regierungen ist. Das Papier versucht nicht die Entwicklung einer neuen Theorie der GAP-Reform, sondern zielt vielmehr darauf ab, die Richtung für die Entwicklung einer mächtigen Theorie aufzuzeigen, die in der Lage wäre, die Unterschiede ebenso wie die Gemeinsamkeiten der verschiedenen Reformabschnitte zu erklären. |
The author |
Dr. Adrian Kay is a lecturer in economics in the Business School at the University of Glamorgan. He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University and has a PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Nottingham; email: |