Table I

"Can you estimate how often you had contacts with the following during the last year"?* (per cent)

The political leadership (Minister, State Secretary and/or Political Advisors) 54
The administrative leadership (Director General, Secretary General) 86
Other sections or department in MRE 93
Other ministries 61
Agencies beneath the MRE 67
Agencies beneath other ministries 16
The Norwegian Parliament 7
The European Commission 10
The Council of Ministers 1
EFTA's Surveillance Authority (ESA) 2
Other EEA/EFTA institutions 7
Other IGOs 15
Mean N 177

* Values 1 and 2 combined on the following five-point scale:
very often (1), fairly often (2), both and (3), fairly seldom (4), very seldom (5).

Table II

"What importance do you assign to the following concerns when doing your work?"* (per cent)

Signals from the political leadership (Minister, State Secretary, Political Advisors) 83
Signals from the administrative leadership (Director General, Secretary General) 88
Professional considerations 95
Proper procedures, current law 92
Modernisation and reform 71
The interests of IGOs 29
Mean N 157

* Values 1 and 2 combined on the following five-point scale:
very important (1), fairly important (2), both and (3), fairly unimportant (4), very unimportant (5).


Table III

"How important are the following institutions when central decisions are made within your portfolio?"* (per cent)

Own political leadership (Minister, State Secretary, Political Advisors) 86
Own administrative leadership (Director General, Secretary General) 92
Other ministries 39
Agencies beneath the MRE 35
Agencies beneath other ministries 10
The Norwegian Parliament 63
The European Commission 20
The Council of Ministers 12
EFTA's Surveillance Authority (ESA) 12
Other EEA/EFTA institutions 13
Other IGOs 18
Mean N 154

* Values 1 and 2 combined on the following five-point scale:
very important (1), fairly important (2), both and (3), fairly unimportant (4), very unimportant (5).

Table IV

"Please consider the following assertions"*: (per cent)

"The European Commission has become more important than earlier within my portfolio" 27
"Other EU institutions have become more important than earlier within my portfolio" 22
"EFTA's Surveillance Authority (ESA) has become more important than earlier within my portfolio" 16
"Other international organisations have become more important than earlier within my portfolio" 26
"Bilateral contacts with governments in other countries have become more important than earlier" 31
Mean N 168

* Values 1 and 2 combined on the following five-point scale:
very correct (1), fairly correct (2), both and (3), fairly wrong (4), very wrong (5).


Table V

Factors relating to 1) the amount of working time officials use on EU dossiers, and 2) the extent to which officials are affected by the EU and/or the EEA agreement (beta) a, b

Working time on EU dossiers Affected by the EU and/or the EEA agreement
(i) Formal rank position -.07 -.21
(ii) Leadership tasks -.09 -.16
(iii) Copying models from other countries .16 .24*
(iv) Copying models from IGOs .39** .34**
R2 = .27 .31

*) p .05    **) p .01

a) Diagnostics of collinearity between the independent variables in this table unveil no indications of extreme multicollinearity

b) The dependent variables have the following values:
Very important (value 1), fairly important (2), both/and (3), fairly unimportant (4), very unimportant (5).
The independent variables have the following values:
Formal rank position: Executive officer (1), higher executive officer (2), principal officer (3), assistant director general (4), deputy director general (5), director general (6), and positions over director general (7).
Leadership tasks:
Yes (1), No (2).
Copying models from other countries and from international organisations:
Very often (1), fairly often (2), sometimes (3), fairly seldom (4), very seldom (5).

©2005 by Jarle Trondal
formated and tagged by K.H., 6.1.2005