Vol.16 (2012)
Table of Contents
Do agricultural subsidies crowd out or stimulate rural credit market institutions? The case of EU Common Agricultural Policy | |
Pavel Ciaian, Jan Pokrivcak, Katarina Szegenyova |
Beyond continuity: Analysis of the effects of the first Trio Presidency on Policy Coherence for Development | |
Alena Vysotskaya Guedes Vieira, Sabina Kajnc Lange |
Comitology and delegated acts after Lisbon: How the European Parliament lost the implementation game | |
Thomas Christiansen, Mathias Dobbels |
Portugal and the EU’s Eastern Enlargement: A logic of identity endorsement | |
Martijn Schukkink, Arne Niemann |
Time to Decide: The Effect of Early Agreements on Legislative Duration in the EU | |
Dimiter Doychinov Toshkov, Anne Rasmussen |
Transnational deliberative democracy in the context of the European Union: The institutionalisation of the European Integration Forum | |
Óscar García Agustín |
Explaining the evolution of European Union foreign climate policy: A case of bounded adaptiveness | |
Simon Schunz |
Ripples in a Rising Tide: Why Some EU Regions Receive More Structural Funds Than Others | |
Thilo Bodenstein, Achim Kemmerling |
Special Mini-Issue 1, Vol.16 (2012) 'EU Law, Governance and Social Policy'
Barbier, Jean-Claude (ed.) 'EU Law, Governance and Social Policy', European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Mini-Issue 1, Vol. 16 (2012)
Introduction by the Editor (PDF)
Introduction by the Editor (PDF)
Table of Contents
EU Law as Janus bifrons, a sociological approach to “Social Europe” | |
Jean-Claude Barbier, Fabrice Colomb |
Deconstructing EU old age policy: Assessing the potential of soft OMCs and hard EU law | |
Miriam Hartlapp |
European social dialogue as multi-level governance: Towards more autonomy and new dependencies | |
Paul Marginson, Maarten Keune |
EU governance and social services of general interest: When even the UK is concerned | |
Aristea Koukiadaki |
Special Mini-Issue 2, Vol.16 (2012) 'Beyond Euro-skepticism: Understanding attitudes towards the EU'
Laurie Beaudonnet and Danilo Di Mauro (eds): 'Beyond Euro-skepticism: Understanding attitudes towards the EU',
European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Mini-Issue 2, Vol. 16 (2012).
European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special Mini-Issue 2, Vol. 16 (2012).
Table of Contents
Multidimensionality of EU attitudes in France: An issue for the understanding of the politicization of attitudes towards the EU | |
Bruno Cautrès |
Trust in the institutions of the European Union: A cross-country examination | |
Christine Arnold, Eliyahu V. Sapir, Galina Zapryanova |
Support for Europe: Assessing the complexity of individual attitudes | |
Laurie Beaudonnet, Danilo Di Mauro |
European Integration online Papers | ISSN 1027-5193
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