The European Integration online Papers
is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary E-journal in the field of
European integration research. "European integration research" is to be
understood in a broad sense. Scholarly contributions from all relevant
disciplines are welcome, e.g. from legal studies, political science,
economics, sociology, and history. EIoP has been published since 1997 under the auspices of ECSA Austria. The editorial office is located at the Institute for European Integration Research, Vienna. From Vol. 11 (2007) onwards, EIoP is, among other indices, included in the ISI Social Sciences Citation Index. Quality control policy: The EIoP applies the classic double-blind refereeing procedure: In co-operation with the editor specialised in the relevant discipline, the editor-in-chief selects (external) referees, usually two.The submitted text is anonymised as much as possible before being sent to the referees. In case of divergent reports, a third reviewer is appointed. The anonymised referees' reports are forwarded to the author(s). The final decision whether or not a article will be published is taken by the editor-in-chief together with the specialist among the other editors, on the basis of the opinions of the referees. More information can be found at the following
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